Nobody prepares you for the real world, especially if you are coming from a cocoon of comfort.
People and situations are not as forgiving as one would want them to be, and rightly so

Any kind of substantial growth happens in the discomforting waters because that’s when you
come face-to-face with your real self, and you get to see and feel the real grit and will
of human beings in not giving up. 

The real wealth is not anything that you can touch, like money, home, cars, or any of the luxurious
material things. It’s always the intangible stuff that’s your real wealth, like time, health, and relationships are
something that you have compounded all your life here on this earth.

I hope we all learn to give more time to what creates our real wealth, along with chasing the
tangible wealth.
The biggest differentiator among the two is how you feel.
Exhausted while chasing the former one, and feel energized while working towards the latter one.

No one is denying that you need both to exist in the current world, but the idea is to keep a
big demarcation line in your head and live each day collecting the real wealth because that would
have a big ripple effect on your other tangible one.

Cheers to figuring out, unlearning, and learning new ways of living!